Note: Envelope plots are calculated on sites with 5 or more years of data. The envelope plots show the minimum, 25th percentile, 75th percentile and the maximum groundwater levels for each month calculated over the whole of the data record for the site. Groundwater levels measuring between their monthly minimum and monthly 25th percentile represent low-range measurements. Normal-range measurements represents groundwater levels measuring between their monthly 25th and monthly 75th percentiles. High-range measurements represent groundwater levels measuring between their monthly 75th and monthly maximum groundwater levels.

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Custom Date Range / Export

Please be aware that it will only show the data from the start of our monitoring programme for this site. All data is in NZ Standard time, so please allow for daylight saving. When selecting large date ranges please be patient as the result may take time to return all the data required. If requesting more than 6 months' worth of data, please note that the chart will reduce down the intervals of data displayed. If you would like to export any results, please select the menu icon in the top right of the chart to select the format you require.